Friday, February 7, 2014

Assemblee Generale, BioGeCo 2014

Today was the annual Assemblée Générale de BioGeCo, held at the University of Bordeaux in Talence. This is the first day I've seen everyone present on their projects. Remy Petit, the BioGeCo leader for the past three years, opened with a statement on the unit as a whole. BioGeCo holds as its goal to “study the mechanisms governing the evolution of the diversity of terrestrial ecosystems, from genes to communities,” and to “rebalance ecologie and genetics in a common evolutionary framework.” There is, of course, a very strong tree focus here, and there is a long history of forestry research here. 

Today, there are 109 people employed at BioGeCo, 68 salaried (43% lead-researchers, 57% engineers and technicians), 21 PhD students, 18 postdocs and contract researchers. From 2009 to 2014, increased by 4 chercheurs and 5 engineers. 

I made just a few notes on projects that were of interest to me. This is neither exhaustive nor representative, only things that caught my interest:

Highlights in GEMfor [Cécile Robin]
·       Sequencing 150 species of pathenogenic fungi
·       Studying the evolution of natural history traits (niche differentiation, virulence) using experimental and modeling approaches, in the light of climate change and colonization of novel environments and regions
·       The effect of parasitic fungi (oïdium) in the evolution of oaks
·       Horizontal and vertical transmission of microorganisms in oaks
·       Role of microorganisms in the health of the plant (e.g., invisibility of the community by pathenogenic species); this, tied in with climate change, by looking at microfungal community changes in response to climatic variation

Highlights in Ecologie des Communautés [Emmanuel Corcket]
·       13 permanent positions (including 9 chercheurs, 3 engineers, 1 technician [?]), 9 contractual
·       Interested in both the distributional (patterns, processes underlying patterns) and functional (e.g., interactions) components of biodiversity, and the interactions between communities and their environments in both directions (e.g., responses to climate change, effects on nutrient and water cycling)
·       Are trees a countryside (‘paysage’) for bacterial communities?
·       Impacts of atmospheric deposits on prairie (‘prairiale’) biodiversity in the Pyrenees.
·       Latitudinal distribution of birds and bats
·       Bird predation and trophic cascades
·       Effects of plant phylogenetic diversity on herbivory depend on herbivor specialization
·       Interaction between host / nonhost abundance and insect invasion in pines
·       Restoration as a tool for environmental remediation and effects on ecosystem processes
·       Risk analysis: movements of forest insect herbivores; effects of forest insect herbivores on plant growth
·       Herbivory-resistance traits
·       Indirect effect of invasive insects on the diversity of insular [endemic?] forest birds on Corsica

Ecologie et Génomique Fonctionnelles (EGF) [Annabel Porté]
·       23 permanents; 93 publications in 2011-2013
·       The interaction between genotype and phenotype that affects adaptation
·       Strategy: produce and integrate understanding on function and structure…
·       Cavitation resistance in pines
o   Genetic architecture (QTL)
o   Physiological
o   Leaf phenology
o   Phylogenetic distribution
·       QTLs underlying budbreak [? – debourrement]
·       Rapid evolution of populations
·       Artificial selection and its effects on genomic architecture of differentiations
·       A genetic map for oaks with higher density of markers
o   Genomic signature of adaptation and speciation in oaks

o   A phylogeny of the genus Quercus

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